DAY 7: STOP verbal/emotional abuse

So today sadly is day 7 of my fight and awareness on verbal/emotional abuse, though my blog might not have much on it from here on out on it, but my fight against abuse still will be strong. I will continue to fight and be vocal about it!
So keep any eye out.  I am trying to build an awareness campaign so I will keep it all posted her also. So lets get started with today.
  1.   Criticizing them.
  2. Giving them the silent treatment.
  3. Disrespect
  4. Failing to give them real explanations. Giving non-explanations such as “because it is wrong” or “because it is inappropriate” or “because it is a sin”
I am not putting examples today as I hope all that have followed get the understanding and how harsh verbal/emotional abuse can be and it must be stopped and people made aware of.

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